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Hello world!

Let me begin this blog section by introducing myself. My name is Mary and I’ve been taking pictures for as long as I can remember. It all began when I was a child and my father gave me my first 35mm and taught me how to load it. Fast forward through countless rolls of film and digital cameras. Now, here I am, dSLR in hand. I love taking photographs. There is just something about being able to capture the tiniest of moments in time with a press of the shutter button. My wish is that I could have gone to school to learn about all the different aspects of photography. However, my finances have not agreed with me and that leaves me being self-taught. I don’t entirely mind. I have just about learned all I know in life by being self-taught and I’m always up for the challenge. To put it in a word, I’m persistent.

So here I am, taking my photography to the next level. Not only am I learning through experience, I am sharing it with the world through this site. I invite you along on my journey behind the lens. I have a lot to learn and there is a steep learning curve. I welcome and all feedback


5 thoughts on Hello world!

  1. I also like – Through the Eyes of a Queen – most appropriate – the pictures have a majestic quality. You are so connected to the moment.

    • Thank you, something about that phrase just spoke to me so I went with it. It doesn’t hurt that just about everywhere online I’m QueenMary 😉

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