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Pool Hall Junkies in Celebration

I love shooting pool. I really do. It’s the kind of activity that I am perfectly  content playing for hours on end either by myself or with a group of friends. On this particular night, we headed out to our local pool hall to push the rock around with a couple of friends to celebrate my Wolf’s birthday. It couldn’t have been a better night. I was luckier still to be out with friends who have a great eye, too. I left Artemis out on the table up for grabs for anyone who felt inspired. These were the favorite of the shots I took. I posted a few more on my Facebook page, though the majority of them are on my personal profile because they were, well, personal. Still, I’m quite happy with these. I needed the break from shooting my bands and welcomed a change of scenery. Next weekend I’ll be out there again. There’s a new band I have only recently tapped in to. Shh, who they are is a secret.


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