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Waiting for the Red Moon

Hello, hello, world. It’s the Queen checking in on a quick little post before work. Time has been in short supply for me and there’s been quite the load for me and so forgive me for being brief. Despite the lack of time, one thing I have not allowed myself is to be without taking some shots here and there. That being said, I’m bringing to you a very special set of images today. You see, last month’s full moon was very special. Not only was it a red moon, it was also the night of a full lunar eclipse and apparently the only one we will be able to see for the next twenty years. If it’s even possible, I’m still on a high from this night.

Between the red moon and it’s eclipse, the drums, the fire, and I behind the lens, I was in a state of absolute bliss. The energy was unreal and the night could not have been any better. I feel blessed in having been able to make it out to not only bask in it, but capture it with the help of my trusty camera. While, there was quite a few pictures taken (most of which you can see on my Facebook as well as my Flickr page), I would have to see these are just about my favorites. I hope you enjoy them and welcome any comments.

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