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Exploration, Coral Gables

What’s the best thing someone can do when they are feeling restless and caged? My answer, go for a walk. Now granted, you may not think you have the time and sometimes it may seem difficult to find the time, however it’s there. You just have to but in a bit of effort. I have been itching to get behind the lens again, and while I have some pending projects in line, I didn’t have anything scheduled for last weekend. That’s when I decided let me go out and shoot for me. So I did.

I was driving home from one of my errands and just as I was driving past the Biltmore Hotel, inspiration struck me. I still love that hotel, though I wasn’t setting my sights on it this particular time. Instead, I chose to take a walk around some of the grounds. The best part of it is that I packed light that day and only brought with me my 50mm lens. It couldn’t have been a better lens for what my eye was seeing. I wasn’t particularly aiming for depth of field (which I love with this lens, by the way), I just wanted a little different perspective. I suppose perspective is what it’s all about. So here they are, my little impromptu walkabout with my shorty and what we captured that day.

I hope you enjoy and once again, I thank you for your time.




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