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A Day Off At The Beach

What does one do when your calendar frees up? For me, I decided to enjoy my day off by doing a little bit of walking. After all, its as a gorgeous day. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect and the breeze made for the perfect trifecta of conditions. My first stop was at one of my favorite places here in South Florida, Hollywood Beach. There has always been something about this beach. I’m not sure if it’s the sand, the way the water looks or the people but there is always something to be seen here. This day was no exception. It wasn’t packed though there was activity everywhere. It seems I was not the only one taking advantage of this beautiful day.

I chose a few favorites to share with you today though I will be honest and tell you that I spent a good amount of time not shooting and just taking in the day. Even my shots were simple and to the point. Just snips of things I came across along the way. No crazy composition, no artsy type stuff, just simple photography on a simple day. I think the simple things are important after all.

I’d like to do more days like that. Just grab my camera by the strap and head off to explore. It’s been far too long since I had and I know that I was due. After all, where is the sense of living so close to the ocean and not taking in its beauty on a regular basis. We all need to decompress and unwind here and there. I’m certainly not the exception. If you’d like to see the other shots, please visit my Facebook page for a few more. Again, there aren’t many just simplicity. I’m sure we all can take a moment to appreciate the breath of fresh air.

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