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Key Biscayne Anniversary Outing

I love going out for walks, even more so when it’s out by the water. On this particular day, I could not think of a better place to be. 

On a personal level, yes, I don’t usually go there, March is a particularly rough month. Two years ago on March 8th, I lost my father and with his birthday a mere 10 days after his passing would have been his birthday. While obviously there is still grief and I miss him endlessly, I try not to think of the fact that he is not with me in the physical. Instead I focus on cherishing his memory. One way for me to do so is to go out and photograph. He was after all, my number one fan. So this year, I took to a spot he used to take me to quite frequently as a child, Key Biscayne. There was such beautiful weather after all, I felt that why not?

I arrived early enough in the morning and was welcomed by what seemed to be a vulture feeding of some sort. There were large bags laid out and the vultures were gathered all around. I have actually never seen so many vultures in one place at the same time. It was interesting enough to say the least. I snapped a few shots of them and proceeding my little nature walkabout. I wanted to focus more on the landscapes themselves. After all, I was outdoors and in the sunshine by the water. There was a few people buzzing about. From fisherman, to other photographers doing shoots and while some made it in to my captures, most of what you see is nature on a beautiful day.

I came away very pleased with the energy of the day. Tranquility, peace and serenity. There was no more fitting way to honor my Piscean father. At the risk of being too repetitive on both my Facebook album and here on this blog entry, I narrowed down my absolute favorites for you to see here. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 

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