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Beyond a certain speed, motorized vehicles create remoteness

One thing I absolutely love is when my friends see a particular spot and think of me and my camera. It is what brings us this post today. 

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine was driving home from work and came across a particular set of train cars that had been parked along the tracks along 72nd Avenue by Miami International Airport. It had been stationed there for a few days that week and I was hoping it would remain there until the weekend when I would be able to go and capture it with my lens. 

How lucky was I that it was? When she initially told me there was a “few” cars just stationary there, I was surprised to find it was at least 30 cars in length. It was a hot day and there was certainly far more train to explore than I expected. Still, I had to explore it. The cars were cargo cars. I believed used for vehicle transport of some sort. I was even lucky enough to find one who’s lock was opened and quickly stepped inside. 

I’m so glad I’m short. Turns out the car did not have much height but it had a few cool things inside. Plus, I got to stay out of the heat so it was a double win. I snapped a few shots on the inside and then stepped outside for another few snaps and then it was home to take a nice cold shower. I really enjoyed getting out there and just exploring not to mention I loved playing in post with this set. The colors and textures were an absolute playground for me. 

Well, enough talking, come see what I saw and browse my favorites. Yes, there are a few more on Facebook

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