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Ancora Imparo, Monochromatic Muse

 “Yet, I am still learning”. -Michelangelo

I smile as I write this post. “Why?’, you ask? Because last week I had the absolute pleasure and honor of meeting one of my own personal idols, the insanely talented, Mathieu Bitton. To call Mathieu simply a designer does not do justice to incredibly vast artistic talent he encompasses. He is a man of many talents indeed though for me what draws me in  is his amazing eye behind the lens. His work in monochrome specifically. The way that he express color monochromatically, the textures, the expressionism, that man is extraordinary without doubt. That being said I just had to be present at his gallery showing of “Darker than Blue” held at the Leica Gallery here in Miami last week.

I was so incredibly swept away by the experience. Here I am not only meeting one of the people I admire most in the photography industry, I am surrounded by his amazing work. It was a truly inspiring moment being in that atmosphere, surrounded by fellow photographers alike. And the pieces he chose, wow. I cannot even begin to put in to words what an impression that evening left on me. I have always wanted to delve in to the world of monochrome and after last Friday, I decided it has to happen. 

So friends, fans and family alike, be prepared to see lots and lots of monochrome on your feeds courtesy of me. Black and white is beautiful yes, but there is something about adding to those contrasts textures and in it’s own special way, color through absence of it. I am excited to be taking this new journey behind the lens. I am a lover of color and always will be, but this form of expression is one I must immerse myself in. The best part about it is that I am insanely excited. 

Here are a few little test runs taken at a recent practice session held at Flower Blade Records. I uploaded them to Facebook as well for those of you that follow my page. Let me know what you think. And if you should read this Mathieu, thank you once again for the vision you bring and the inspiration it brings out. As for you readers, please visit his website and learn a little something of this man. You might just become a fan, too. 

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