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Pandia Trio at GSpot

Just in time I say.

I’ve been once again burning the midnight oil. While I still have a couple of sets to work through, I can now say that I have completed the last set of images from a particularly great weekend for me. I love this feeling of accomplishment. Small victories equal great feelings. But let’s not wax all poetic. After all, this is all about the photos people. Isn’t it?

This set in particular is a rather intimate little collection I captured while shooting the amazing little acoustic trio, Pandia. While I’ve seen Pandia performing before, I had never seen them doing their little acoustic thing with the lovely Nosh on the mic. What a great time this day was and a fabulous way to spend the afternoon. I definitely want to catch them again sometime in the near future. I loved their song selection and they certainly had the crowd dancing, myself included. I just can’t help myself sometimes. 

As for the photos, with it being an acoustic set I decided to keep it on the simple and intimate style. I didn’t want to lose too much of the atmosphere from that afternoon and so I kept it very straight forward.  Nothing too artsy just a couple of great women up on stage and doing their thing. acoustically.

I picked a small group of favorites as per my usual modus operandi. I also did my usual bigger set on my Facebook page  which you are welcomed to browse through. There’s even a cute chihuahua. Long story on that one. I will keep this one a bit on the short side though, I have miles to go and deadlines to meet.

As always thanks for your love and support as well as your time.

Sincerely and with love,

The Queen


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