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Seeing a Revolution

Sometimes you have to take a step back…. then go at it again.

Two months in the making and I’m finally able to get on the last and final set of my night of rock at O’Malley’s.  Well, not entirely two months in the actual making. I have worked on a few sets in between. Nonetheless, I have finally revisited the shots I took from a night with GEARS and friends and decided to finally get to work on a set of Revolution.

I will admit I did not feel too inclined to work on anymore photos from this night on account of my getting a bit tired of the twinkling lights.  I was able to get past it. After all, Revolution was great and there is no reason I shouldn’t share the images of them I captured that night. All in all, this night at O’Malley’s was a good time filled with great music so why not wrap it up the right way?

While I didn’t take very many photos of Revolution, I was able to capture some really great moments and now that post work in done on them, I am quite pleased with how they turned out. Yes, twinkling lights and all. Revolution hits hard and I wanted to try and capture it knowing that without actually listening to them, you only have these images to put yourself there and see through my eyes. Though I would certainly check them out. Here’s a link to get you in the right direction. If you’re in to hard and heavy rock, you will certainly thank me for it. 

As for the photos, I picked a few favorites to share with you in this entry though I posted the full set on my Facebook Page. C’mon now, you all know the routine by now. Feel free to browse through them and share away.  And here they are. 




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