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Walkabouts, a Downtown quickie

Where there is a will, there is a way. 

I haven’t had much spare time as of late though I haven’t let that stop me from working on my craft. That’s why when I had to run a few errands downtown a couple weeks ago, I took my trusty sidekick right along with me and captured a bit of my sights while walking about. While I wouldn’t want to live there because I honestly dislike the idea of a concrete jungle, I do really love architecture and all its lines. Especially downtown Miami when you look up and immediately feel infinitely tiny amongst the high-rises.

The downtown skyline has changed over the years, but it still keeps me in awe as the time goes by. As for my images I’m sharing, they aren’t out of this world. I don’t even focus too much on composition. I just wanted to basically take you guys with me so that you can have maybe get an idea of what I see sometimes. I have had people comment to me, “you’re alway scanning”. Yes, yes I am. You could say that my camera is my eyes but the truth is, the lens is only an extension of what I hold within me. We all do. 

Truth is, we all have a photography within us. We all envision things from our own point of view and perspective. That’s why they say there are two subjects in a photograph, the photographer and the subject (whatever that may be). I will add my own spin to that though. For me, there are three subjects. The last one being you, the viewer. What do you see when you look at a photograph? What does it make you feel or think? Think about when you look at photos and you’ll know exactly what I mean. 

Enough on that though. Let’s get to the goods. There aren’t many. Just a token, merely a trifle, yet all are special to me in some way shape or form. I hope you enjoy. 

Oh and please make sure you subscribe to my blog or follow me on Facebook. You know the routine. 



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