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Hurricane Prep in Effect

I’m on a roll today. One more down, a few more to go. That’s the one downside to not being able to get to your post work but at the same time not being able to help yourself when it comes to capturing moments. 

Consider this post a sort of prequel to the last entry where I spoke about the technical difficulties. Back to the time were just about everyone was complaining about losing power for a whole 5 days when the reality is that we dodged a massive bullet and I would go without power for a couple of weeks any given day if it meant actually having a home to restore power to. If it meant being safe and alive only missing the creature comforts. 

This set is just a few quick captures I took while my family was wrapping up our hurricane prep. There was just something about family uniting to ensure it’s own safety that had me all in the feels. Of course I didn’t only photograph the family. A couple of other images caught my eye along the way and I’m sharing these with you now. They are also on my Facebook page if it’s strikes your fancy. 

As for me, off to go work on some more photos. What can I say? No lazy Sundays for this queen today. As always, thank you for stopping by and for your time.


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