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Snaps from the MPBA

Do I have a lot of catching up to do. And now that I knocked out a few of my client’s sets, I intend to do just that.

Right around the time Hurricane Irma came across South Florida, I began running in to a few technical and personal difficulties. I won’t dive in to the specifics, however let’s just say that technology and I did not get along very well. I would come out of one setback only to encounter another. I’m not one to admit defeat however and so I adjusted my sail and now I continue to sail. Okay, that was corny. Still the same, you get my point. 

So amidst the insane hours I’ve been putting in at my day job, I’ve been burning the midnight oil again and again playing catch up and getting it done. That being said I’m bringing to you a quick little set I snuck in while attending a PBA barbecue a couple of weeks back. There’s nothing particular crazy about this set. It’s just a few snaps I took while I explored the museum they’re presently working on. 

It was very interesting to see some items from the early law enforcement days here in Miami. The famous Car 9, some old motormen motorcycles, even an old bomb retrieval unit. The best part for me was while you were at each particular piece of memorabilia, they played an informative audio clip of what it was you were looking at and the history behind it. Yes, I can be a bit of a geek. It’s alright though, the Beast doesn’t seem to mind. 

Well, without any further ado, here is my little snippet. I hope you enjoy them in their simplicity. I think it’s important to dial down the crazy of the world sometimes and just keep things simple. So simple that I did post the same few shots on my Facebook album. For now though, on to the next collection. I have quite a bit of making up to do.




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