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Nature Vibin is therapy for the soul

I am about to get a little personal for a moment with you.

I recently had someone I knew take her own life. While we were not close, the shock and impact it has left on me is engraved. You see, she had struggled with her demons for all long as I’ve know her and we are talking about twenty something years now. But she was not defined by those demons. She was surviving despite them. She was a beautiful soul and a talented one at that. You should have seen her images. Unfortunately life threw a few more things and I suppose it became to much and she grew past the point of weary. I know some won’t agree with me but I am not upset with her. One thing I have always been able to do is to understand. Still, I knew of her fight and will up until that day and to see the news on your feed that the fight was over, well, I’m still at a loss for real words. 

I needed to breath. I needed to not really think but to feel. So I did. In ways the that I cannot really describe, I felt that next day. I took the afternoon to go to one of my favorite parks and I let myself get lost in the moment. It was a beautiful day. The sun shined and the warmth of it on my skin was soothing beyond description. The park was still showing signs of a hurricane having passed through it. Some of the walkways were torn up along with trees uprooted and strewn about. I did have to be careful in some sections of it as I walked about on account of my being clumsy and accident prone but it was a welcomed escape and disconnect. 

I didn’t have much time out there although I managed on grabbing some lens therapy while I walked about. Here’s a few of the shots I’d like to share with you. There’s a few more on Facebook but these are my favorites. That’s it for now. Numbness set aside, I still have backlog I need to work through. The goal is to have them all done by years end. I can’t believe we’re almost there already. Time does fly.

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