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A new sound, Wilkof Project

I love coming across new bands. Let me tell you. 

A few months ago I was out at Swampgrass Willy’s checking out one of my favorite local groups, Modern Mimes when I came across a band by the name of the Wilkof Project. These guys are great. Fun, energetic and were a pleasant surprise for my ears. Unfortunately it’s getting kind of late for me to be getting too much in to detail however I will say that I really did enjoy their performance quite a bit. It was very reminiscent of the old school grunge era for me and did I mention that they were fun? Seriously. They were entertaining and had a very down to earth vibe about them. I really did have a great time that night. But this isn’t about me, it’s about the photos now isn’t it?

Well, I won’t leave you wanting. I kept the editing simple for the most part. A little edgy and colorful on some and moody and monochrome on others.  I picked a few favorites though as always there is the full set for you to check out if you visit my Facebook page.  I know, this is a far shorter than usual post for me. What can I say? I’m trying to add hours to the day someone but I haven’t quite figured out the how yet. Anyways, give them a look-see and let me know what you think.




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