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Letters From the Fire, Revolution Live

I got to do a thing last Saturday. Revolution Live set me up as their Guest In-House photographer for one guaranteed rocking night.

I haven’t posted in a while, this is true. I’ve been on that grind though. From some private shoots to some personal favors, I’ve been behind the lens clicking away happily. But time was of the essence and I had to wrap up my last set before this past weekend. I wanted absolutely nothing on my backlog and a fresh clean start for this particular night. 

Long story short, Nonpoint was performing locally at Revolution Live and I have been wanting to check them live for quite some time now. So after a dropping a line to the venue, having them looking over my portfolio, I was set as there Guest In-House photographer for the night. 

The even greater part about it was that I was getting a three for one deal and I hadn’t known it at the time. Not only did I get to be up close and personal in the pit with Nonpoint on stage, I got to do the same for two other great bands. The first of which was Letters From The Fire. Slight girl crush on the vocalist aside, they were definitely rocking the hell out of Revolution Live. There is no way they did not grab hold of several new fans that day. I know that I certainly enjoyed their set.

As for my photos, I packed light and shot clean on this particular night. Not only was I going to be working my way around the crowd after the first three songs, I had a week to turn the photos around to the venue and I wanted as little to do in post as possible yet still capturing the mood. I got it done with time to spare and let me say that I really am happy with the way the images turned out. 

I picked a small set to share with you tonight and uploaded a few more to my Facebook page. Let me know what you think and as always, thank you!

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