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New Years Day at Revolution Live

I love it when not only do I get to listen to a new band, but when I enjoy their sound.

Case in point, last week I was covering In This Moment at Revolution Live and New Years Day was the supporting act. I really enjoyed listening to them during their set and I loved their attitude on stage. You can tell they really enjoy themselves and the energy of the crowd. Sometimes that enjoyment makes the performance that much better.

As for my photos, I approached the set simple. I didn’t want to get too crazy with the composition nor with the work in post. I wanted to keep it as clean and as raw as possible so that I can let not just the mood but the energy of the set come through as much as possible. I did opt to use my 70-200mm because to be honest, being in the pit this time around was not appealing to me. I posted up on the second level of the venue and just clicked away. I will say handholding that lens gave my arm a decent work out that evening. I picked a few favorites to share with you here and of course you know there is more on my Facebook page which I would love for you to check out. Go on, you know you want to see.

You also want to check out New Years Day for yourself. Visit their page and see when they might be stopping near your neighborhood.

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