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Up for a game of Ping Pong?

The flock came out in full force to show their love for Pigeons Playing Ping Pong and I was all up in the mix.

Hello again readers. Now that I’m finally getting to the point where I can say I’m almost caught up with my flow, it is about that time to share with you all the second piece of a great night at Culture Room. Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. The reason I went out this very night. Oh yes. They came, the called the flock, and they rocked the night for two amazing sets.

Before I begin let me say that for the first time doing this live music photography thing that I love, I was put through my paces. I have been to many shows of all different genres and I will say that this night was the first time I was left with bruises. Not even when I’ve covered rock shows have I been so achy. Then again, you pack over 900 people in a rather small venue like Culture Room and what else would you expect? At least I came away with a super cute hoodie and some great memories with awesome people.

I was in the trenches though. Working my way backwards and forwards mingling with the flock, capturing all that high energy on stage and yes, dancing. I think that even if I was not the dancing type, I would have had to learn quickly so that I could find my way to the ladies room which so happened to be at the back end of the venue. I had to work my way through the crowd by shimmying around while holding my camera up in the air was the only way that I was able to manage.

I was looking forward to this night for quite some time. I had been listening to them on Spotify and was excited to see them perform live. Thankfully I packed light, a little book bag with Beast and his trusty 24-70mm lens. The flock was in attendance and in full force and Pigeons had that vibe on high. It was so much fun. Three sets of great music beginning with The Fritz and closing out with Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. I strongly recommend both bands.

But yes the photos, that’s what we are here for anyway. I picked out a few favorites for you which lean more towards my creative side but I did upload the full set to my Facebook page for you guys to check out. Let me know what you think.

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