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If I Ever Fall Asleep, Turkuaz at North Beach Bandshell

The excitement has been real for me these last couple of months and I’ll tell you why.

My favorite funk band was coming back to town and to make a long story short in that regard, I needed that fix. Yes, I’m talking about Turkuaz. I got to see them perform last year at Wynwood Yard for Jam Cruise and I was immediately hooked on their vibe. This year they were going to be playing at North Beach Bandshell and of course I had to let them know I wanted to capture them doing their thing. They were more than willing to oblige me even flattering me by recalling my images from the previous year. There was no way I was missing out on that vibe. I had to be there.

I waited as patiently as I could and These guys are so well put together and polished. I knew that Miami Beach was going to be in for one amazing party. Honestly, you don’t know what you are missing if you’ve never been to one of their gigs. Talk about dancing? You can’t help but move when they are playing and shooting this show was in no way considered work. I was loving every minute of it. Talk about working up a sweat.

This entry isn’t about my dancing however. This is about my sharing with you the funk that is Turkuaz. I do love shooting them. Turkuaz is well put together and polished. From their sound to their lighting. Let’s not even get started on the colors. Such a perfect setting for my love of mood shots. My weapon of choice was the usual combination oof The Beast and my 24-70mm lens although I did pack a long lens should the mood strike me. It didn’t this night. I was all up in every area of this venue working my way from front stage, inbetween the concertgoers and all they way in the back dancing while walking.

I couldn’t get enough behind that lens. It’s like the images were practically capturing themselves. So much so that when I finally was done with my edits, my submitted images to them was far greater than my usual count. This also posed a problem for me when it came to what I’m sharing with you know. I try to keep my full sets to no more than 50 on my Facebook page and maybe 10-15 of my favorites here. Well, that figure went out the window for Turkuaz.

So here they are, my top 30 images. Yes, you read that right. I “narrowed” it down to thirty favorites with double that on my Facebook which I highly encourage you to browse through as well. I know, it’s a large set but again, I just couldn’t help myself and you know that I always appreciate your time and feedback. Oh yeah, listen to them here on Spotify while you view, so you can see what I mean.

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