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Afrobeta Opens at North Beach Bandshell

It’s that time and another one from the backlog is under wraps with this entry. 

I’ve been working my way through my backlog, now that the clients’ sets are under wraps and I’m lining up my next few gigs. What can I say, no rest for the wicked and I’m always up for the next surprise. This particular set I’m bringing to you is from my night with Turkuaz at North Beach Bandshell a couple of months ago. While there, I finally got to check out and give Afrobeta a listen. 

They were great. Both high energy and very engaging with the audience, I absolutely loved their latin flavor thrown on top of the awesome Miami dance vibe. I had a great time shooting them sneaking in some dancing while I was at it. What can I say, this Queen can multitask. There is nothing wrong with getting your shots and enjoying yourself along the way. 

What I loved most about Afrobeta’s set was the kids dancing right along with us. There’s just something about a child’s innocence. As adults, we are told to “dance like no one is watching” and kids don’t really if anyone is or is not watching them. They dance from the heart. 

Now, for the photos. I stayed up close to the stage for this set and kept my 24-70mm lens on the Beast. It’s such a versatile lens when shooting live music in the smaller venues. I half debated putting on my shorty 50mm just for a little variety but instead I opted to just focus on the performance. It was still daytime for the majority of the performance and I wanted a little more variety in my distance. 

So here they are, my top ten. I have a few more up on Facebook though the I kept the set in itself on the smaller size. Let me know what you think. Oh, and if you ever get a chance to check them out, do so, but bring your dancing shoes. 

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