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+LIVE+ as one Bayfront Amphitheater

I’m not sure if you can even begin to guess how excited I am to be sharing the next two sets with you.

I suppose I can try to explain though I’m not sure how well that will turn out. I am over the moon. Yes, I am that thrilled to be coming to you with this installment of my most recent assignment with I’m Music Magazine. As I mentioned in my previous post, August 17th was an amazing night of music for me and I was more than happy to be covering this event up close and personal from the pit at Bayfront Amphitheater.

This particular collection I’m bringing to you today is my Top 10 favorite photos of the band bringing the night to a close, LIVE. Another amazing band from my youth, recently reunited and touring alongside BUSH and Our Lady Peace on The Altinate Tour. They went there separate ways back on 2009 and getting back together recently on 2016 although it’s as if they’ve never missed a beat. They are as amazing as ever and their set further drove that point home for me.

While I am posting this set first, they did close out the night performance wise having had BUSH hitting the stage in direct support. LIVE dotted every I and crossed every T this Saturday night and before I knew it, my first three song time limit was up and it was time to pack the Beast away. I was just having so much fun with their each members vibe and energy. You’ll have to check out one of their performances yourself if you want to know first-hand what I mean.

In the meanwhile I’m bringing you my Top 10 to try and illustrate just what I mean. Once again I packed light shooting only with my 24-70mm and the mood of this set made it difficult for me to narrow it down that much so of course there’s a few more to peep at on my Facebook page. Though if you’re pressed for time this should give you a fairly good idea of just how epic it was for me and all in attendance.

So go on, have a peek and maybe even leave some feedback or comments. You know they are welcomed and appreciated.

2 thoughts on +LIVE+ as one Bayfront Amphitheater

    • Thank you. I appreciate it. Yes, I definitely got Bush captured. I was t going to miss them. I’ll be posting their set in a couple of days. Our Lady Peace I’ve already posted as well.

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