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Rhye, Bringing In The Feels at Art Basel

Caught in this pool held in your eyes
Caught like a fool without a line
We’re in a natural spring
With this gentle sting between us
I wanna make this play
Oh, I know you’re faded
Mm, but stay, don’t close your hands

To those of you who know me on a personal level, you know how I am very much a fan of Rhye. If you don’t know me, then that was a little FY and I for you. From the moment I heard their song “Open”, I was hooked. So when I found out they were coming down once again for Art Basel, I had to put in my request for coverage. Yes, this one was ProBono and I regret nothing. 

In my last entry, I shared with you some images from Mons Vi which opened for them and now it’s time for my Top 10 favorites of none other than Rhye. Yes, I was in the feels this night without a doubt. They played quite a few of my favorite tracks included “Open”. This evening was absolutely perfect. They played North Beach Bandshell on a particularly cooler night. So you had the cooler weather, the beach, and the vibe. I really could not have been any happier that evening.

I did take both my 24-70mm lens as well as my big boy, the 70-200mm and I made use of them both. So yes, sweater weather, chill tunes and then there’s me working my way around the venue and just taking it all in. I didn’t shoot much but I did get together my favorites here with a few more images on my Facebook page. You know, just in case you wanted to see what I’m talking about. And if you want to be turned on to something new, check them out on Spotify. They are so mellow definitely on my playlists for when I’m relaxing and even editing. 

That being said, until next time. 2020 has begun and there’s a to-do list to be accomplished. Thank you all for your time and support. Happy New Year! 

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