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Deep Fall, Acoustic Xmas

It’s on to the second set.

Up next on the evening of Acoustic Xmas was a band by the name of Deep Fall. They were in direct support of Sevendust this night and I really enjoyed shooting them. Despite the fact that it was an acoustic set and they too, were seated for the most part the entire night. They were very entertaining and expressive. I most certainly wasn’t complaining. And who else would cover a Journey track as they did?

As in my last set, I shot the majority of their performance with my 70-200 mm only occasionally swapping out to the shorter lens to take in a bit more of the stage. Of course, I gathered a few more of my favorite images from their set and I’m sharing them with you here along with a couple more on my Facebook page. Go ahead and have a look and let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you.


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