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Falseta Does Their Thing - Through The Eyes Of a Queen
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Falseta Does Their Thing

I have to say that it has been a couple of months since  I’ve had a chance to see this particular band performing on stage. Still, they are always fun to watch and in this entry, I’ll be sharing it with you.

Falseta has been around for quite some time now and I have to say that I am loving their groove lately. So when they opened up for Appetite for Destruction, I was not complaining. They are so entertaining as well. This time around though it was me that wanted to shoot a little more creatively for them. Besides, you can only take so many shots of the same people doing the same thing without wanting to bend the creative envelope a little. 

On this night, in addition to the “do their thing on stage” shots, I wanted to play a bit with lighting and perspectives.  Yes, even with the drummer. So I let Beast do his thing. I wouldn’t say it was a just point and shoot “whatever happens type” set. However, it was like an I am taking aim with the general idea and let’s see what he does when left to himself. I was loving what I was seeing in the display and it encouraged me to keep shooting. 

Now it’s time for me to share my favorites of Falseta. The Queen’s top 10 of the set. I hope that you enjoy them and check out the full set on my Facebook page if you have a moment.

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