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Original Sin

You might know how to play with fire.

You might know of the original sin
And you might know how to play with fire
But did you know of the murder committed
In the name of love you thought what a pity

Yes, it’s time for another peek through my eyes. This time we are looking through a night of tribute to both INXS and U2. So let’s begin with INXS.

I’m an INXS fan. I always have been since I was a young girl. To me, Michael Hutchence was a fantastic frontman. I adored watching his performances and seeing him on stage doing his thing. Sadly it’s been 27 years since he’s been gone but the music lives on. So I was glad to be able to cover a tribute to his music.

But this post is for the music as well as for the memory. I will admit, I did not take as many images as I usually do. I was more focused on shooting clean and capturing the mood for the evening. After all, I was loving the atmosphere in place. Yes, I was at Revolution Live, my home away from home as of late and it was a great crowd. I did love walking around from spot to spot with my Beast capturing those little moments and I’m hoping it shows through in my images. 

You know that I picked my favorites of this set and that I’m sharing a few more with you on my Facebook page so go on and give it a look-see. 


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