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Music In Many Forms

To be multi-faceted, to have depth. It’s something that I am grateful to possess, especially when it extends to my photography. To be more specific, in the genre of music that I capture with my lens. I love listening to new forms of music, from symphonies to sonatas, all the way through modern music. After all, music comes in many forms. Over the years I have had the absolute pleasure of working with an amazing organization, Compositum Musicae Novae, CMN for short. They’ve been one of my longest-standing clients and they are one that I am thankful to have on account of what their mission is. You see Compositum Musicae Novae is a not-for-profit organization of classically trained composers, musicians, dancers, visual artists, and literary artists dedicated to producing, performing, and exposing the public to new artistic expressions in music, dance, and the visual and literary arts.

Based in South Florida, not only do they make it their mission to expose us all to a new cultural experience, but they are also solely run on a donation basis. They have gallery nights, visit schools and also host events at other art centers in our area. No, they don’t get paid to put together these events, nor do they charge for admittance to their exhibitions, they do this because they love what they do and even more so they love the experience that it brings to us both young and old. 

I’ve been working with them ever since I began my Through The Eyes of a Queen and while I don’t typically share my images from their events, I wanted to share this particular set so that I too can share music in another form. I also wanted to let any locals know that such events exist and if you would like to experience art in many forms, definitely look into them and stop by. 

Now that my intro is done, let me give you my top 5 favorite images. I have a few more that I selected for my Facebook album though I kept it to a small few. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy partaking in these events. 



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