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Category : Activities


You could say I’ve been burning the candle at both ends this week. While work has been insane with preparing to move offices, upgrading computers and still keeping up with the flood of work that is my day to day, I’ve also been burning the midnight oil working on my photos from this last weekend at Fishoutawata at Tobacco Road here in downtown Miami. (more…)

Queen of the hall

I’ve been meaning to update this blog for a couple of days now. I thought that during my week off of work I would have time to do so, though it turns out I didn’t. I did, however, spend a few days editing the last Urban Rebel performance so that they can use it on their new website. I also thoroughly enjoyed my birthday weekend. Before I knew it, it was time to return to work. (more…)

Some healthy competition

Good afternoon lovelies. It’s a rainy day here in Miami and after going for a walk in the rain, I’ve decided now would be a great time to share some of my recent snaps. Well, one particular set anyways. These next few photos come from one of my lunch time walkabouts in downtown. You see, my job is nearby to quite a few places and this college campus was just the perfect place to walk to on this particular day. It turns out they were having a little basketball competition and I found it the perfect time to try my luck at a little sports photography. (more…)

From the hall

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to shoot pool. To me a pool hall is almost like my second home. It’s hard for me to take pictures while I’m out shooting pool. Nine times out of ten, I would rather be on the table shooting and not behind then lens. However, I absolutely love capturing the expression on a person’s face when they are concentrating on the task at hand and lining up their shot. Here are a few shots from the hall with my fellow players doing what they do. (more…)