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Category : Activities

Fire Play

This queen has had a particularly busy weekend. I initially I had wanted to take a bit of time to myself and get some much-needed downtime, but anyone that knows me knows that it is particularly difficult for me when there is a set I need to finish. My backlog has been crazy and I have really been wanting to get it taken care of. So many wonderful images and moments, I just couldn’t keep away. That being said, I’m brining to you last month’s drum circle.


Bridal Event, Take One

You ever had a sense of excitement from start to finish on something? Well, I had it with this set. I am thankful to have been asked to shoot my first ever Bridal Party and I will say that I came away with not only experience, but I fantastic time with great people. From start to finish it was an amazing experience for me and I am thankful to have been given the opportunity. I almost couldn’t wait to share these photos with you. (more…)

Anniversary throwback

Well well. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. Life has had me plenty busy though I have not forgotten you all. I’m actually here today to bring you all a little something special. You see, yesterday marked my three year anniversary of shooting live music. While I have only had my Rebel a few months longer, shooting live music is my bag. It’s my thrill, my drug. To see the artists on stage, their live and passion for what they do, I get lost in the moment. I get lost in the feeling. (more…)

A Walk In The Park

What do you do when you are feeling a little restless and need to get out of the house? Well, on a beautiful day like this past Saturday, you put on your chucks and you head out to your local park. (more…)

A Vladez Birthday

Hello and welcome people. The Queen is here and bringing to you a quick and special set taken last weekend at Flower Blade Studios. The band I got to shoot, Vladez, a Jam, Blues, Progressive band from my neck of the woods.


Falseta at Cheers

You’ve heard it before and I am most certain you will hear it a few times more to say the least, however I have been a very busy queen. I realize it’s not about having the time, it’s about making it and so I’ve been putting in hours both in my day job and in to my photography. After all, it is my passion, my life. The bills do still need to be paid though, so until I’ve learned to split myself in two, I do what I can do. I digress. About two months ago I had the opportunity, as well as the pleasure, of making it out to Cheers in Ft. Lauderdale to check out some local bands doing what they do. It had been a while since I had shot live and so I was a bit rusty, however it did not make it any less exciting for me. After all, shooting live music is my passion.


Waiting for the Red Moon

Hello, hello, world. It’s the Queen checking in on a quick little post before work. Time has been in short supply for me and there’s been quite the load for me and so forgive me for being brief. Despite the lack of time, one thing I have not allowed myself is to be without taking some shots here and there. That being said, I’m bringing to you a very special set of images today. You see, last month’s full moon was very special. Not only was it a red moon, it was also the night of a full lunar eclipse and apparently the only one we will be able to see for the next twenty years. If it’s even possible, I’m still on a high from this night. (more…)

Day 4 with GEARS

What can I say… another favorite band of mine closed down the house and I was loving it… It’s kind of hard not to with a group of talented individuals..  It was almost bittersweet to have their set end, however all things com to an end as they say.  (more…)

GEARS – Pride Comes Before the Fall

It’s with great excitement that I’m writing this post. For several reasons, actually. First and foremost, on a personal level I was able to make it out to Cheers in Ft. Lauderdale this last Friday night to support some friends of mine and my favorite bands. I love going out to see live music, meeting new people and in general, having a great time. Secondly, and equally as important, I got to shoot live. Now, mind you, it’s been quite some time since I’ve shot live music. It hasn’t been easy for me to find the time lately although it is my favorite type of photography. This particular event though, I could not miss.  (more…)


With coffee in hand and a great movie on TV, I’m taking this quick little moment to bring to you a little set I worked on recently. As I may or may not have said previously, I take my camera everywhere. If it’s not in my hands, it’s right inside my bag. It’s an extension of me and I feel as if I’m missing a part of myself when I don’t have it near. Well, enough about me, on to the post. (more…)