What do you do when you are in the mood to get creative yet the city is on lockdown waiting to see what a particular hurricane does? (more…)
Field trip day ended up being two stops. In my last entry I told you about my first stop and my favorite go-to spot. This entry is more of a favorite when it comes to what I enjoy shooting. (more…)
What does one do when your calendar frees up? For me, I decided to enjoy my day off by doing a little bit of walking. After all, its as a gorgeous day. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect and the breeze made for the perfect trifecta of conditions. (more…)
Excited does not even begin to describe how I’m feeling about this set. It’s like I just finished and I want some more. Yeah, that. (more…)
I can’t believe I’m still up and at it so late. In about 30 minutes I will be officially burning the midnight oil once more though to me it’s worth it. It is especially worth it for this particular set. Why? Well, because this was a challenge for me. (more…)
In my last entry, I touched on the fact that there was another band I shot last Thursday and how I would be posting the photos soon. Well, I did it! Not only did I edit two band’s sets, I did it by my deadline. Granted, it was a self imposed deadline, yet a deadline nonetheless. I must say that I am quite pleased.
Can I start off by saying WOW? Well, that’s exactly how I’m about to begin. Wow, it would be an understatement to say that I am ridiculously excited to bring you this post and the next. Why? I’ll give you two reasons. (more…)
I’m going to admit something right from the start. I don’t care for this particular set. Not on account of the band, not at all. I love those guys. The venue however, I just wasn’t feeling the lighting. (more…)
In my last post I spoke of going to see The Von in Lake Worth last weekend. Well, while waiting for them to take the stage, I had the pleasure of checking out Koffin Varnish. I’ll fill you in a little secret…
I’m a big fan of a venue with great lighting and Propaganda definitely fell on that list for me. From the moment I walked in to the venue last Saturday and saw the red wall, I was instantly excited to get to shooting. I was even more excited to get home and get editing my shots. (more…)