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Category : Blog

Talented Teens

Last Sunday I attended a positively phenomenal performance by one of the most talented group of young individuals. It was a musical stage play of Disney’s Tarzan as performed by the troupe from a local theater here in Miami, The Miami Children’s Theater. I had been expecting for it to be a great show, however, I came away completely amazed at just how wonderful this group of kids were. The level of passion and energy they placed in their performance was incredible and I was completely in awe. (more…)

From the hall

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to shoot pool. To me a pool hall is almost like my second home. It’s hard for me to take pictures while I’m out shooting pool. Nine times out of ten, I would rather be on the table shooting and not behind then lens. However, I absolutely love capturing the expression on a person’s face when they are concentrating on the task at hand and lining up their shot. Here are a few shots from the hall with my fellow players doing what they do. (more…)

Pick it

I was going to wait to share these images with you tomorrow, however I am really pleased with how they turned out and I just could not wait. On our walked today, we stopped by our nearby U-pick and thankfully I brought along my camera. Especially for the little scarecrow and the forgotten tanker. I think those are the favorite of the set. (more…)

Urban Rebel at STFUfest

This set is that of Urban Rebel also performing at STFUfest at Ft. Lauderdale’s Culture Room. This band was fantastic and I’m not just saying so because we are friends with the guitarist. These guys were great. Urban Rebel is a groove rock and heavy funk band from Miami, Florida formed in 2007. The band consists of vocalist Will Gonzalez, aka Trip “6”, bassist Laszlo Piringer, aka” LaC”, guitarist Alex Jose Gonzalez aka “Jim BOB”, DJ Barry GoldWater III and female drummer Elisa Seda, aka “E. Otherwise known as a great bunch of people. (more…)

Black Jacket at STFUfest

Last weekend my wolf and I made it out to the Culture Room in Ft. Lauderdale to attend STFUfest. What started out as a night of support for two of our friends and their bands, turned in to a great night full of music and good times. We haven’t been to any shows in a little while and I figured what better way to get back in to the scene than to show some love for some very hard working and dedicated individuals. This particular set is that of Black Jacket. I will be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when Captain Jack stepped out on stage, however it turned out to be a great set and these boys really know how to rock. (more…)

Zoo Day 022413

I wanted to make my first post containing images, special. Which is why I decided to put up my favorite edits from a recent trip to the zoo. I haven’t been to many a zoo, however I really do love that our local zoo is not composed of cages. The thought of animals behind bars saddens me. At Zoo Miami, although the animals are kept within enclosures, they are very well taken care of. I hope you all enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed my visit. (more…)

Hello world!

Let me begin this blog section by introducing myself. My name is Mary and I’ve been taking pictures for as long as I can remember. It all began when I was a child and my father gave me my first 35mm and taught me how to load it. Fast forward through countless rolls of film and digital cameras. (more…)