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Category : Blog

Lettuce funk you up

Yes, it is about that time. The get down of get downs….


Up for a game of Ping Pong?

The flock came out in full force to show their love for Pigeons Playing Ping Pong and I was all up in the mix.


In This Moment, live and on stage

So I decided to hold off on posting this particular entry until the New Year. Why? Because….


New Years Day at Revolution Live

I love it when not only do I get to listen to a new band, but when I enjoy their sound.


Within You

Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.

Give Me One More, The Main Squeeze at Revolution Live

I can’t even begin to get in to how thankful I have been lately with the opportunities I have had behind the lens. Case in point, another amazing night for my Beast and I. The band, The Main Squeeze. (more…)

Letters From the Fire, Revolution Live

I got to do a thing last Saturday. Revolution Live set me up as their Guest In-House photographer for one guaranteed rocking night. (more…)

Kelsey Theater Gets Its Sideshow On

Wonders you’ve never seen. I think that about sums it up. Except I’ve seen them time and time again with these amazing group of artists. 


Manifest Modern Mimes

It is listening. There are times you may not think that it is, but I assure you the Universe listens. 
