Hey everyone,
It’s time for another entry in to this lovely journey of mine. To all my readers, supporters, friend and family, hi again. For all my new visitors, hello and welcome. I’m very excited to be writing this entry today. Why is that it? Because…
Hello once again readers. I’m hoping all is well in your wonderful worlds. I’ve been quite the busy queen as of late. It’s like my muse is on overtime and I couldn’t be happier. This time around I’m bringing to you a little goodness from my personal life and my recent outing to Grove Bay Grill. It was a gorgeous Friday evening and I went not only to support my peeps Vladez, I grabbed some delicious grub to boot. A little something different with this set though…. (more…)
Well, for starters let’s just say I have a favorite cover band. Not only are they epic on stage, but I have come to call them my friends. You are guaranteed a great time whenever you see them and yes, you will dance even if you don’t want to. I’m serious. I love these guys and I always have a good time when I go to see them do what they do. But, this is about the photos is it not? Keep reading.. (more…)
So this past weekend I went out in support of some friends in Day 4 performing for a super-fan in their first acoustic gig. Let’s just say it was quite an experience. First, I along with 5 other cars stopped traffic on the turnpike in order to save a pitbull who had somehow appeared right smack in the middle of northbound traffic running scared. Then it was off to the show. (more…)
Well well. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. Life has had me plenty busy though I have not forgotten you all. I’m actually here today to bring you all a little something special. You see, yesterday marked my three year anniversary of shooting live music. While I have only had my Rebel a few months longer, shooting live music is my bag. It’s my thrill, my drug. To see the artists on stage, their live and passion for what they do, I get lost in the moment. I get lost in the feeling. (more…)
Hello and welcome. I wish my eyes could take photos, I am constantly being drawn to this and that. Luckily I always have my camera with me, so when there is something I just have capture, it’s there. I’m always making photos in my mind. I was born this way. I cannot imagine myself being any other way. (more…)
Hello and welcome people. The Queen is here and bringing to you a quick and special set taken last weekend at Flower Blade Studios. The band I got to shoot, Vladez, a Jam, Blues, Progressive band from my neck of the woods.
You’ve heard it before and I am most certain you will hear it a few times more to say the least, however I have been a very busy queen. I realize it’s not about having the time, it’s about making it and so I’ve been putting in hours both in my day job and in to my photography. After all, it is my passion, my life. The bills do still need to be paid though, so until I’ve learned to split myself in two, I do what I can do. I digress. About two months ago I had the opportunity, as well as the pleasure, of making it out to Cheers in Ft. Lauderdale to check out some local bands doing what they do. It had been a while since I had shot live and so I was a bit rusty, however it did not make it any less exciting for me. After all, shooting live music is my passion.