Sometimes you need to change up your game plan and this is one of those times. With the holidays wrapped up and in the books, I’m jumping out of order in my backlog queue for the next three sets. (more…)
Caught like a fool without a line
We’re in a natural spring
With this gentle sting between us
Oh, I know you’re faded
Mm, but stay, don’t close your hands
We are all waiting for the start of 2020 to bring in the New Year. The way that I’m looking at it is, “Why not begin today?” There is no time like the present.
Getting things done and all in its due time. It gets a bit tricky sometimes managing time. You know it as well as I. Between going to my gigs, editing my captures and submitting them timely to the client, I have to take the time to maintain my social media presence. Sharing my albums and writing corresponding blogs can at times be an animal all in its one. In some ways, I’ve developed a routine of sorts and of course, prioritizing.
That being said, going hand in hand with my last post where I shared coverage of the tribute band, The US Stones at Revolution Live, it is only fair of me to share with you their supporting artists, Supergold. These guys had some energy and let us not even get started on how entertaining they were to watch perform. I did enjoy myself quite a bit, to say the least. So I did get together a few images to share with you in this entry. Yes, I am still working on my backlog when it comes to my past gigs. December is turning out to be eventful and lately, time is a commodity.
So without any further ado, let’s get to this round of my top 10 and if you visit my Facebook page you’ll get even a better idea of the energy I’m talking about.
Thank you for taking the time to see what I see. I appreciate you.
Music can transport you to any place and time. Why do I say that? Think about it, do you have a song that reminds of a moment in particular. A song that the instant it plays you recall right where you were and how you were feeling?
Give me the strength to be kind, to combine.
Yes, it’s another entry and another welcomed addition to my collective work of artists.
What have I been up to? Well, for starters, I’m getting things done. Checking off that goal list and working my way on through the next ones. Time waits for no man, or so they say. That being said, it’s time for another entry and gallery set I’ve put together for you. If there is one thing I enjoy, it’s pleasant surprises. Yes, I was pleased to have covered this night.
Let’s take it back a bit in to the Rearview Mirror, shall we? Let’s just see what it can show.