Before the lockdown, before the stages went silent. I was in attendance with one of my favorite people to work with while they toured through South Florida. Who are they? The Main Squeeze. (more…)
To be multi-faceted, to have depth. It’s something that I am grateful to possess, especially when it extends to my photography. To be more specific, in the genre of music that I capture with my lens. I love listening to new forms of music, from symphonies to sonatas, all the way through modern music. After all, music comes in many forms. (more…)
First thing’s first, let me see how thankful I am to have had this night to put in my books. There’s a first time for everything and this night qualified as just that.
Where do I even begin? Oh, I know. They’re baaaaaack!!!! Yes, that is not a “professional” intro to a blog entry but you know what? It doesn’t matter. The excitement was and is real when it comes to this post and what I’m sharing with you all now. You all know that I adore working with Hellzapoppin. It’s not every day you get to work with such an amazing and down-to-earth group of individuals and I never pass up the opportunity to do so. Especially considering it’s been over a year since I have been able to do so.
Hello Hello. I know that it has been quite some time since my last post and let me start off by saying that I have missed you. This pandemic we are all living through at this present time has affected us all in so many ways. And with the fact of that matter being that it will continue to have it’s effect, for the time being, we have been given the choice; evolve or evaporate.
I think it’s time for this next set. On so many levels the timing is quite fitting. It falls into place. (more…)
With gigs being postponed, rescheduled or otherwise canceled on account of the virus outbreak, I have certainly been making use of this “social distancing” time at home to catch up and not to mention, take it easy. It’s difficult sometimes to catch a breath between the moments yet one must always try to see positive in the situations when they can.
Is it just me, or do the days seem to be running shorter on hours? I know the days get longer as summer draws nears but lately there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Still, somehow we must make the time for our passions, even if others don’t seem to understand them. So whether it means staying up late or waking up early to make things happen, you do it.
It is about that time. Yes, I already brought to you the beginning, now to bring it to a close. I am talking about Vertigo. With my last entry talking about the INXS tribute by the name of Original Sin, this is how the night played on. Closing this particular night was Vertigo, a U2 tribute band. Indeed it was a nostalgic night on many fronts and I had such a good time.
With Revolution Live being my second home in a sense, I decided to shoot a little differently this night. What can I say, my muse came to me. For me, it was a free-flowing night. No angle, no objective, I just went with the vibe around me and I have to say that it was quite good. I love those kinds of times. Those times are bringing you these images and nothing but vibe. Of course, you know that I am bringing to you my top ten images because that is my MO.
Let me know what you think and please feel free to check out the full set on my Facebook Page. I do so appreciate you.