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Category : Theater

Hellzapoppin’ on the real

I’m baaacck and super excited to be bringing to you this next collection. I know I mentioned how I did a thing on 4/20 and this is it.  (more…)

Live at Kelsey Theater

Hello all you lovely people. It’s me again. I’ve been working hard. On that grind day in and day out though I have been loving it. You see, I did a thing on April 20th and of course I brought the Beast along with me. Want to see how it began? Read on… (more…)

“Color”, an event presented by Compositum Musicae Novae!

One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

That was exactly how I spent St. Patrick’s Day evening, immersed in art of varying forms.     (more…)


“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson


Talented Teens

Last Sunday I attended a positively phenomenal performance by one of the most talented group of young individuals. It was a musical stage play of Disney’s Tarzan as performed by the troupe from a local theater here in Miami, The Miami Children’s Theater. I had been expecting for it to be a great show, however, I came away completely amazed at just how wonderful this group of kids were. The level of passion and energy they placed in their performance was incredible and I was completely in awe. (more…)