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Category : Animals

Let’s Get Lost, Patch of Heaven

One of my favorite things to do is to get outside and to go exploring. Especially when it’s to explore a new spot, even more so when the place where you are going ends up being tranquility personified.


New Possibilities

Step out of your comfort zone. It really can kill you. Human beings as a whole tend to get stuck in comfort, hesitant to know what more could be out there, stuck in the pattern because it’s worked so far, right?


Nature Vibin is therapy for the soul

I am about to get a little personal for a moment with you.


Key Biscayne Anniversary Outing

I love going out for walks, even more so when it’s out by the water. On this particular day, I could not think of a better place to be.  (more…)


Begin the new year on the right foot, or the left foot. There is no set standard here. (more…)

A Day Off At The Beach

What does one do when your calendar frees up? For me, I decided to enjoy my day off by doing a little bit of walking. After all, its as a gorgeous day. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect and the breeze made for the perfect trifecta of conditions. (more…)

Let’s Play

My niece and nephew are quite the characters. They remind me so much of myself and my younger brother and I love watching them interact with each other. I love spending time with them even more and so when they were down here for the beginning of their summer break, I took advantage as much as I could. One order of business was taking them to go play. (more…)

Take it in

What began as a simple walk in the park turned in to something much more when I found a cute little spot tucked away and full of things to see. (more…)

It’s a Tropical Park hike

Every now and then I enjoy going out for walks, especially when it’s a particularly gorgeous day. Thankfully, on this particular day, the temps weren’t in competition with hell and so I decided to take a quick little venture out to Tropical Park which is near my home. I grew up in this park. I remember going to play here back when I was a young girl with my parents and I still visit it here and there now as an adult. While it’s not the most scenic of parks in the South Florida area, it still has it’s little hidden treasures. From the landscaping in certain areas, to your random little animal friends, it always manages on bringing a smile to my face. Besides, sometimes the day to day city life can be quite stressful, and going out to take in nature is always recommended. At least by me anyways.  (more…)


“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson
