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Category : Animals

A Walk In The Park

What do you do when you are feeling a little restless and need to get out of the house? Well, on a beautiful day like this past Saturday, you put on your chucks and you head out to your local park. (more…)

Wish You Were Here

I am water child. It calms, soothes and centers me. With the loss of a loved one recently, I needed just that and so I took my camera along with me to Hollywood Beach. My father loved my landscape shots and I figured going to the beach would be a win-win situation.  (more…)

Walking about the Hammocks

Normally, I like to post a blog entry in tandem with uploading my latest sets on to social media, however this particular time around I haven’t had much time to sit behind the computer and write something out regarding the collection that I’ve shared. Sometimes, it’s much easier to just go out and shoot , edit and just call it a day. I suppose it’s all about time management and while for the most part I’m fairly good at it, lately there is a lot on my plate. That being said, I figured today would be a good a time as any being that I’m presently importing another couple of snaps to work on.  (more…)

A Walk in The Park

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
–   John Muir (more…)

Beach Day

Sometimes, all you need is to step out and step away. The wind in your hair, the salt in the air, the ocean waves crashing on to the sand. Some times, a day at the beach is all you need. It’s the simple pleasures in life that can at times, to a photographer, be the most soothing and beautiful moments.


Austin Paul, On Location

Today I had the pleasure of going on location for an ongoing video shoot. The artist had been looking for a snake to appear alongside with him in this particular video and he was pointed in my direction by a mutual friend. After all, I do have three beautiful boas. (more…)

Wings In The Morning

Hello fans and friends alike. The queen was on vacation this week and while most of my plans fell through, I still managed on making the best if it. I’ve been wanting and meaning to go to Butterfly World in Ft. Lauderdale for months now and what better time to do it then with time off from work. I got there as soon as soon they opened Monday morning and immediately upon walking through the first exhibit, a smile was instantly brought upon my face. All these beautiful creatures flitting about, how could you not immediately feel the tranquility? I stayed there for several hours and even a brief rainstorm, yet I couldn’t be happier.



Hello, world. For those of who you who know me, you know that I would have a zoo if I could. So as you follow along in my posts, you will no doubt see pictures of animals on a regular basis. This particular entry is of no exception. (more…)

Pets, pets, pets

Lately there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. I have had to work longer hours and that has left very little time for much else. Unfortunately that has included not having much time to practice behind the lens. Sometimes you just want to be able to replicate yourself in order to accomplish all you set out to do in the scope of a day. I did not wish to leave you in the wind however and so I revisited some previous photos in order to share at least a little something with you. Something that I hold very dear. I’m speaking of my pets. These aren’t all my animals of course. I am just posting pets I have photographed in general, though most of these are my personal pets. To be honest I have a bit of a zoo. In total I own 3 Colombian boas, 3 cats and a dog. Well, for what its worth, one of my cats thinks he’s a dog. That cat would be Wallace. (more…)

Zoo Day 022413

I wanted to make my first post containing images, special. Which is why I decided to put up my favorite edits from a recent trip to the zoo. I haven’t been to many a zoo, however I really do love that our local zoo is not composed of cages. The thought of animals behind bars saddens me. At Zoo Miami, although the animals are kept within enclosures, they are very well taken care of. I hope you all enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed my visit. (more…)