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Category : Earth

Key Biscayne Anniversary Outing

I love going out for walks, even more so when it’s out by the water. On this particular day, I could not think of a better place to be.  (more…)


Begin the new year on the right foot, or the left foot. There is no set standard here. (more…)

Where there is a will

I’ve been so wrapped up on my backlog that I had not been able to go shooting with my new Babe. That is until today.  (more…)

Lighting it up

You know when there is just something you are both anxious and excited to work on? Well, that has been me the last couple of weeks working through my sets knowing these were in line. I have been pulling all sorts of crazy hours catching up on the backlog, working towards time to get to this particular collection. 


We were born before the wind

When I was younger, my father used to talk about Coral Castle to me. How one man apparently had not only designed and engineered this castle composed of Coral, he constructed it himself and primarily in the evening hours. It intrigued me to say the least. It has intrigued quite a few people from what I’ve read. (more…)

A Day Off At The Beach

What does one do when your calendar frees up? For me, I decided to enjoy my day off by doing a little bit of walking. After all, its as a gorgeous day. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect and the breeze made for the perfect trifecta of conditions. (more…)

Let’s Play

My niece and nephew are quite the characters. They remind me so much of myself and my younger brother and I love watching them interact with each other. I love spending time with them even more and so when they were down here for the beginning of their summer break, I took advantage as much as I could. One order of business was taking them to go play. (more…)

Fire flow on a moonlight night

Even with a fight breaking out right next to me, it was all about the vibe that night. Of course my small little self got up quick as hell and relocated to a different spot. I was not trying to be a casualty on such a gorgeous night. The fight not withstanding, I was loving it that night. The spinners were on fire, figuratively speaking of course. Or am I?  (more…)

Take it in

What began as a simple walk in the park turned in to something much more when I found a cute little spot tucked away and full of things to see. (more…)

When inspiration strikes

There are times when your Muse calls to you. It is then when you should listen.
