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Category : Earth

It’s a Tropical Park hike

Every now and then I enjoy going out for walks, especially when it’s a particularly gorgeous day. Thankfully, on this particular day, the temps weren’t in competition with hell and so I decided to take a quick little venture out to Tropical Park which is near my home. I grew up in this park. I remember going to play here back when I was a young girl with my parents and I still visit it here and there now as an adult. While it’s not the most scenic of parks in the South Florida area, it still has it’s little hidden treasures. From the landscaping in certain areas, to your random little animal friends, it always manages on bringing a smile to my face. Besides, sometimes the day to day city life can be quite stressful, and going out to take in nature is always recommended. At least by me anyways.  (more…)

Exploration, Coral Gables

What’s the best thing someone can do when they are feeling restless and caged? My answer, go for a walk. Now granted, you may not think you have the time and sometimes it may seem difficult to find the time, however it’s there. You just have to but in a bit of effort. I have been itching to get behind the lens again, and while I have some pending projects in line, I didn’t have anything scheduled for last weekend. That’s when I decided let me go out and shoot for me. So I did. (more…)

Another Day at Morikami

Sometime last year, on a rainy afternoon,  I had ventured out to Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. I had been wanting to shoot there for quite some time and I was not disappointed in the least. I instantly fell in love with the place and have been wanting to revisit for a while now.  So I did. It was all that I remembered and more.  Of course I brought along my camera and have come here to share with you all.


Fire Play

This queen has had a particularly busy weekend. I initially I had wanted to take a bit of time to myself and get some much-needed downtime, but anyone that knows me knows that it is particularly difficult for me when there is a set I need to finish. My backlog has been crazy and I have really been wanting to get it taken care of. So many wonderful images and moments, I just couldn’t keep away. That being said, I’m brining to you last month’s drum circle.



“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson


A Walk In The Park

What do you do when you are feeling a little restless and need to get out of the house? Well, on a beautiful day like this past Saturday, you put on your chucks and you head out to your local park. (more…)

Waiting for the Red Moon

Hello, hello, world. It’s the Queen checking in on a quick little post before work. Time has been in short supply for me and there’s been quite the load for me and so forgive me for being brief. Despite the lack of time, one thing I have not allowed myself is to be without taking some shots here and there. That being said, I’m bringing to you a very special set of images today. You see, last month’s full moon was very special. Not only was it a red moon, it was also the night of a full lunar eclipse and apparently the only one we will be able to see for the next twenty years. If it’s even possible, I’m still on a high from this night. (more…)


With coffee in hand and a great movie on TV, I’m taking this quick little moment to bring to you a little set I worked on recently. As I may or may not have said previously, I take my camera everywhere. If it’s not in my hands, it’s right inside my bag. It’s an extension of me and I feel as if I’m missing a part of myself when I don’t have it near. Well, enough about me, on to the post. (more…)

Tale of Dragons

“You must burn. Burn higher.
Burn for everything you have ever wanted. For everything you have ever lost, for every crack in your heart and every fraction of every irreplaceable moment.
Burn high for love.
For fear. For life.
Burn as fast and as long as you can.
You must burn, burn higher.
Because nothing in this world will kill you faster than a dying fire.”
― Mia Hollow (more…)

Sunrise, Sunset

Yesterday I shared with you the random shot’s from the bikini shoot’s first location. For the second day, the shoots were held both at sunrise and sunset in Delray Beach, Florida. What a beautiful beach and such a glorious sight to behold not only watching the sun rise and break over the water, but to watch the day come to a close in an equally amazing way. (more…)