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Category : Earth

Austin Paul, On Location

Today I had the pleasure of going on location for an ongoing video shoot. The artist had been looking for a snake to appear alongside with him in this particular video and he was pointed in my direction by a mutual friend. After all, I do have three beautiful boas. (more…)

Wings In The Morning

Hello fans and friends alike. The queen was on vacation this week and while most of my plans fell through, I still managed on making the best if it. I’ve been wanting and meaning to go to Butterfly World in Ft. Lauderdale for months now and what better time to do it then with time off from work. I got there as soon as soon they opened Monday morning and immediately upon walking through the first exhibit, a smile was instantly brought upon my face. All these beautiful creatures flitting about, how could you not immediately feel the tranquility? I stayed there for several hours and even a brief rainstorm, yet I couldn’t be happier.


Rhythm and Fire

Hello readers. I wanted to take a moment to bring to you my latest set. This weekend I had the pleasure of going out to my first ever drum circle. The weather heading out there was a bit scary. There were some thunder storms and lightning and while I was okay with getting wet, I didn’t want to get risk my camera getting caught up in the weather. (more…)

Downtown Morning

Good morning, good day, good evening, readers. I hope today finds you well. I’ve been quite caught up with some personal matters as of late and you have my apologies for my lack of posts. Time has been lacking for me as of late it seems. Still, my mind is always thinking of the next project and I have quite a few I’m quite partial about. (more…)

Lanterns for her

I haven’t had much time behind the lens lately. Between work and personal obligations, there isn’t enough hours in the day. Sadly, photography isn’t how I earn my living and so I’ve been dealing with camera withdrawals. Even in my daily life, I would be walking past someone or something and I found myself reaching for Artemis in my handbag. She was there, as always, though time never did allow. It makes me sad more often than not. Alas, life makes you work for what you want and so, I press forward. (more…)

It’s early morning

So last week I took a walk about downtown before work. It was nice to get out and breathe the fresh morning air. Although the sight of the homeless laying out on the sidewalks is heartbreaking, this early in the morning all the buildings are still lit and downtown is equally beautiful. My favorite would be walking out towards Bayfront Park however. To see the sun coming up over the water instantly puts me at ease. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before or not, I simply love a beautiful sunrise. Sunsets are gorgeous, yes. However, for me there is something about the day breaking and beginning anew. (more…)

Zen by the Water

As I mentioned in my last post, I have not had much time for photography as of late. As upsetting as it is, it is an unfortunate fact. I have however, not had it far from my thoughts. Especially on moments such as this, when you walk out by the water and instantly become absorbed in the natural beauty that is Gaia. Although this photo was taken about a week ago, it still takes me back nonetheless to the zen that was this moment. When life gets a little crazy, place me by the water and all is instantly well. (more…)

City Zen

This past Thursday the morning was positively beautiful here in Miami. Well, at least the morning’s weather was gorgeous. I decided to take yet another one of my walks over towards Bayfront Park in the downtown area. It really is one of my favorite places to go before work. It is especially nice when I get there early enough to watch the sun come up. This particular morning I had arrived a little bit late and therefore missed the sunrise. However, it was still another lovely morning. (more…)

Miami Beauty

Hello everyone. I was actually meaning to make this entry yesterday, however, I made a slight detour. I was putting together a little compilation for a friend’s Facebook page. I’m actually quiet flattered that it will be an album. I don’t think there is a shortage of pictures, that’s for sure. After all, he is the lead vocalist and front man of Urban Rebel. I’ve taken an insane amount of pictures of the band and there are plenty where he is the focus. So much so, that I almost felt like a weird stalker when I was putting the album together. My wolf and I had a good laugh about it. (more…)

A new dawn, a new day, a new life

While my lovely and slow bandwidth takes it sweet time uploading some new pictures to my SmugMug gallery, I decided I wanted to share with you a couple of pictures. These three are from my Earth, Air, Fire & Water series. I spend a lot of time by the water. Especially when I get to the downtown area early enough and I head out by Bayfront Park to watch the sunrise. I love sunrises, in fact, I prefer them to sunsets. For me, there is just something about the sun rising over the horizon. The feeling of warmth I get just from watching it come in breaking in a new day with its light. I especially love the sunrising over the water. (more…)