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Category : Photography

Spectrum, Art Basel

There hasn’t been much spare time for anything lately it seems. Unfortunately my present job has been requiring far too many hours, keeping me from having time behind the lens. It is unfortunately a necessity at the moment. I did, however, manage on getting out a for short while to Art Basel this past Wednesday, I am on of the performers in an video art installation, and I was there to who my support to the artist. (more…)

A day for thanks

This year our Thanksgiving was bittersweet. I was initially asked not to take any photographs during the evening, though minds were changed as the time got closer. For that fact I am grateful. There was a lot of beautiful moments I was thankful to have capture and you can see some of them here in this entry.  I hope you enjoy them as they have brought a smile to my face. (more…)

At rest

Every other week my family and I visit the grave of my deceased aunt. Although I am still numb, there is still pain there beneath the surface. Still, I have always had a fascination with cemeteries. There is something beautiful in the pain. Today I decided to hide behind the lens and attempt to photograph the beauty in it. It was my way of coping with the emotion. I didn’t photograph for long, not this time. (more…)

Spark a Rebelution

Hello friends and fans alike. It’s been some time since I’ve last posted an entry and I’m hoping you can forgive me. If you know me personally or read my personal blog you’ll know I’ve recently suffered a death of someone very close to me. Although she was a great supporter of my work, I haven’t had it in me to get behind the lens. For the last two weeks I’ve been fighting with myself to snap out of it (no pun intended), yet it wasn’t as easy as that. (more…)

Pool Hall Junkies. Again and again

I love shooting pool. It falls right on up there in my favorite past times list. Of course with time being as limited as it is, I rarely have time to indulge my pool hall junkie side. This weekend, however, was an entirely different story. Imagine my excitement when amongst the list of plans for the evening was to go to our local hall and push the rock around. Artemis and I were both very excited. While I spent more time on the table as opposed to behind the lens, I did manage on snapping a few to share with you. Who says I don’t care about my readers. So here they are, my favorites of the evening. I hope you all enjoy them. (more…)


Getting together my favorite shots for this particular post was a bit difficult.  I was shooting at a rather slow aperture to compensate for the low light and there was a lot of great shots I couldn’t use on account of them being too blurry. I wish I could already afford to upgrade my camera. However, for now I will just have to make do with what I got. Realistically speaking I will more than likely not be upgrading for about another year. In the meanwhile, I will have more time honing my skills and practice, practice, practice. (more…)

It’s early morning

So last week I took a walk about downtown before work. It was nice to get out and breathe the fresh morning air. Although the sight of the homeless laying out on the sidewalks is heartbreaking, this early in the morning all the buildings are still lit and downtown is equally beautiful. My favorite would be walking out towards Bayfront Park however. To see the sun coming up over the water instantly puts me at ease. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before or not, I simply love a beautiful sunrise. Sunsets are gorgeous, yes. However, for me there is something about the day breaking and beginning anew. (more…)

Everywhere, yet nowhere

I haven’t been taking many photographs lately. Quite honestly is been hard to find the time. It’s as if there’s never enough hours in the day. Still, I have to be behind the lens. It’s a hunger of mine that must be fed. So I do take Artemis with me everywhere I go. This weekend she went along with me to an Urban Rebel show at Nowhere Lounge on South Beach. She loves them as I do and I’m sure my pictures are proof of that. (more…)

Moonchine Bistro

I had the pleasure of going to Moonchine Bistro and Asian Lounge on Friday to watch my friends at Urban Rebel rock the place out. I was actually really excited to go to this show because I had heard it was an intimate venue. While most of the venues they perform at are considered small venues, this particular location was very small. (more…)


You could say I’ve been burning the candle at both ends this week. While work has been insane with preparing to move offices, upgrading computers and still keeping up with the flood of work that is my day to day, I’ve also been burning the midnight oil working on my photos from this last weekend at Fishoutawata at Tobacco Road here in downtown Miami. (more…)