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Category : Photography

What is light without dark?

There is a balance to the universe. The struggle to maintain that balance is the stuff of legends. For there can be no good without evil. No love, without hate. Life needs death. Innocence feeds lust. There can be no heaven without hell. No light, without…me. I am Darkness. (more…)

Take you there

I’m not a gear head, not by any means. Though I do know how to do an oil change, etc.., I don’t know the difference between a big block or a small block engine. I do like cars, though. I love classics and muscle cars. There is also a few luxury cars that catch my eye.  Luckily, here in Miami, we have all sorts of different people with different tastes in cars. Luckier still, I usually have my camera handy when one rolls by. So here I am sharing a few with you. (more…)

Trains and tracks

I’ve been meaning to share these shots for a while now. However, my current schedule has been keeping me pretty busy. There is no better time like the present though. So here’s a series I’ve been working on called ‘On The Rails’. For the moment it only contains pictures of one of our local transportation systems, the Metrorail. (more…)


Hello, world. For those of who you who know me, you know that I would have a zoo if I could. So as you follow along in my posts, you will no doubt see pictures of animals on a regular basis. This particular entry is of no exception. (more…)


While I was working on a couple of edits last night, thought came to me of making a few more changes to my website. Though I’m fairly happy with the design and its content, I still think that there is something missing. The problem is I’m not quite sure what it is. So I have the little hamster in my head running on his little wheel trying hard to find the answer. I know I’d like to display a lot more of my photos for those of you that have not made it to my online gallery on SmugMug and while I do post photos with each and every one of my blog entries, I know not everyone wants to sit and read through entries just to see my photos. So I believe the question at hand is how to best to about that. Do I switch themes, or maybe just link a page on my site to direct you to my gallery feed? Maybe there is even another alternative. I’m still trying to decide exactly what it is I want to accomplish before I can determine the how. (more…)

Planning and preparation

To begin with, let me offer you my apologies. Although I did know keeping up with both a personal blog and a photography blog would take time, life has made some pretty major demands of me this week and therefore this blog has suffered. To be absolutely honest, despite Athena always being with me always, I have scarcely found the time to allow her to stretch her legs. Poor girl, she’s been cooped up in her bag all this time. It’s a shame, really, though an unfortunate necessity at times. I don’t make a living on photography and so work and responsibilities must take priority. (more…)

I saw red

What is it about seeing a beautifully lit building at night that just grabs attention? This building did just that, especially with an eye catching color such as red. This is the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami on a particularly gorgeous night. This picture has no edits, no filter, just beauty as shot. It’s positively gorgeous, isn’t it? (more…)

Music state of mind

Friday night was an incredible night for me at Will Call in downtown Miami. After a some planning, I got some friends of mine together to go out and see Urban Rebel. Not only do they now have new fans, once again they left me wanting more. I positively love going to see them perform.Their shows never disappoint. Not only do they have fun and love what they do, they have an insane amount of energy and it is nothing short of contagious. They even had a guest performer join them on stage, Coz Canler of “The Romantics”. The whole vibe was amazing. I found myself not being able to put my camera down. So much so, that I was tempted to switch over to video and just film the remainder of the show. I had even a more difficult time picking my favorite shots of the evening. They were having so much fun up there. (more…)

Street beats

I love downtown Miami at times. Take today for example and you can see why. Not really wanting to just sit around doing nothing during my lunch hour, I decided to go for a walk around the immediate area. No sooner did I step outside of my office building when I heard the beat of the drums. Well, it wasn’t actually drums I was hearing, rather it was drumming. (more…)

Pets, pets, pets

Lately there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. I have had to work longer hours and that has left very little time for much else. Unfortunately that has included not having much time to practice behind the lens. Sometimes you just want to be able to replicate yourself in order to accomplish all you set out to do in the scope of a day. I did not wish to leave you in the wind however and so I revisited some previous photos in order to share at least a little something with you. Something that I hold very dear. I’m speaking of my pets. These aren’t all my animals of course. I am just posting pets I have photographed in general, though most of these are my personal pets. To be honest I have a bit of a zoo. In total I own 3 Colombian boas, 3 cats and a dog. Well, for what its worth, one of my cats thinks he’s a dog. That cat would be Wallace. (more…)