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Category : Gallery

ZZ Top: Rock Legends Shine Bright in South Florida

After much anticipation, I finally had the chance to witness the iconic ZZ Top live in concert, and let me tell you, it was everything I had hoped for and more. Last year, “That little ol’ band from Texas” made their way to South Florida’s iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre, and the experience was nothing short of legendary.


Music In Many Forms

To be multi-faceted, to have depth. It’s something that I am grateful to possess, especially when it extends to my photography. To be more specific, in the genre of music that I capture with my lens. I love listening to new forms of music, from symphonies to sonatas, all the way through modern music. After all, music comes in many forms. (more…)

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Gallery Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper leo eget sapien ultrices vitae facilisis massa dictum. Fusce eu purus a urna accumsan luctus. Nullam sit amet nisi non ante ultrices egestas. Proin erat nulla, congue adipiscing accumsan id, sollicitudin eget dolor. Vestibulum ipsum urna, consequat vel cursus ut, scelerisque vel nisl. Suspendisse molestie facilisis dui, et rutrum enim fermentum id. Curabitur tincidunt tellus sed risus vulputate fringilla. Mauris luctus posuere odio, quis viverra purus consequat ac. Aliquam luctus posuere ultricies. Morbi sagittis elementum ligula, eget luctus diam facilisis sit amet. Maecenas fringilla cursus tortor, nec dictum purus volutpat et.

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