I haven’t done much in the line of photography as of late. For reasons I won’t get in to here, I have regrettably been neglecting honing my craft. I can say that I have a rather long way to go in terms of getting to the level that I want. While one never stops learning, ideally I would love to get to a point where I’m comfortable with my work. I’m a long ways a way, yet I will not cease my efforts. I cannot. Today the lens called to me, despite everything ongoing. I needed it. (more…)
Every other week, I go with my mother to the cemetery and visit the grave of my aunt. While I normally don’t take photos while I’m there, sometimes there are moments that begged to be captured. This particular day, my niece and nephew came along and wanted to take part in the rituals we do while there. Kids can be so well adjusted some times. (more…)
This weekend I had the pleasure of heading out to our local Art District here in Miami for an exclusive photo shoot with one of my close friends, Nick Voss. He had wanted to get together and take a few photos in an urban type setting for the release of his three new singles and I was more than happy to oblige. (more…)
While some may consider me morbid when I say this, know that morbidity is not the reasoning I feel what I’m about to express. While I dislike and possibly despise going to wakes and funerals, I love cemeteries. Between the idea that souls buried there have found peace, to the stone and artwork, I find cemeteries to be a place of beauty. Though it pains me to see the heartbreak for those visiting their loved ones, the opposite side of the coin is that pain is matched by the same level of love. (more…)
Every other week my family and I visit the grave of my deceased aunt. Although I am still numb, there is still pain there beneath the surface. Still, I have always had a fascination with cemeteries. There is something beautiful in the pain. Today I decided to hide behind the lens and attempt to photograph the beauty in it. It was my way of coping with the emotion. I didn’t photograph for long, not this time. (more…)
So last week I took a walk about downtown before work. It was nice to get out and breathe the fresh morning air. Although the sight of the homeless laying out on the sidewalks is heartbreaking, this early in the morning all the buildings are still lit and downtown is equally beautiful. My favorite would be walking out towards Bayfront Park however. To see the sun coming up over the water instantly puts me at ease. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before or not, I simply love a beautiful sunrise. Sunsets are gorgeous, yes. However, for me there is something about the day breaking and beginning anew. (more…)
I have a thing for buildings. Well, not necessarily buildings, rather architecture. It’s amazing how beautiful stone or steel can look with at a certain time of day, or even some editing. It’s all a matter of perspective really. However, for me it’s something that I’m rather fond of and downtown Miami has plenty to see. Especially around the area I work in. (more…)
I’ve been meaning to share these shots for a while now. However, my current schedule has been keeping me pretty busy. There is no better time like the present though. So here’s a series I’ve been working on called ‘On The Rails’. For the moment it only contains pictures of one of our local transportation systems, the Metrorail. (more…)
While I was working on a couple of edits last night, thought came to me of making a few more changes to my website. Though I’m fairly happy with the design and its content, I still think that there is something missing. The problem is I’m not quite sure what it is. So I have the little hamster in my head running on his little wheel trying hard to find the answer. I know I’d like to display a lot more of my photos for those of you that have not made it to my online gallery on SmugMug and while I do post photos with each and every one of my blog entries, I know not everyone wants to sit and read through entries just to see my photos. So I believe the question at hand is how to best to about that. Do I switch themes, or maybe just link a page on my site to direct you to my gallery feed? Maybe there is even another alternative. I’m still trying to decide exactly what it is I want to accomplish before I can determine the how. (more…)
To begin with, let me offer you my apologies. Although I did know keeping up with both a personal blog and a photography blog would take time, life has made some pretty major demands of me this week and therefore this blog has suffered. To be absolutely honest, despite Athena always being with me always, I have scarcely found the time to allow her to stretch her legs. Poor girl, she’s been cooped up in her bag all this time. It’s a shame, really, though an unfortunate necessity at times. I don’t make a living on photography and so work and responsibilities must take priority. (more…)