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Category : Transportation

Challenge Yourself

I did exactly what the title of this post said. I challenged myself. What was the challenge? 


Intermodal Dade

While I have a special blog entry drafted, spellchecked and ready to post, I’ve been keeping busy with a few projects both personally and professionally. (more…)

Where you at? On the way.

This past Friday I was able to escape my job earlier than the usual 5:30 grind. That gave me the opportunity to take a slight detour of sorts and rather than jump on the highway, I took the regular road instead. After all, good things come when you do not take the roads of convenience. 


Exploration, Coral Gables

What’s the best thing someone can do when they are feeling restless and caged? My answer, go for a walk. Now granted, you may not think you have the time and sometimes it may seem difficult to find the time, however it’s there. You just have to but in a bit of effort. I have been itching to get behind the lens again, and while I have some pending projects in line, I didn’t have anything scheduled for last weekend. That’s when I decided let me go out and shoot for me. So I did. (more…)


“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson


Airport Exploration

I love architecture, old and new alike. There is just something about the materials used, the lines created, and sometimes, even the colors employed within the design. That being said, I decided to take a trip to the Miami International Airport.  (more…)

Train Spotting, Urbex Style

Hello and Happy New Year readers. I hope this new year has been nothing short of phenomenal so far for you all. As for me, I come to you an excited queen. Finally, after almost a year now, I got to try my hand at some Urbex photography. I love shooting live music, it is by far my favorite type of photography. The lighting, the atmosphere, the people, the energy, I just can’t seem to get enough. However, I also love expanding my horizons and urban exploration has been on my to-do list for quite some time. So with the help of two photog friends and our lovely Mini Coopers, we ventured and we arrived at an abandoned train location in the Miami area and proceeded to attempt to capture what we saw.


Early morning travel

Hello world. I’m past due for an entry. You have my sincerest apologies. Unfortunately there has not been enough hours in the day lately and I’ve been pulled in far too many directions. I did however grab a few snaps to share with you. I am referring to them as snaps on account of them in essence just snap and go as I was walking through the Miami International airport while returning our rental car. (more…)

Take you there

I’m not a gear head, not by any means. Though I do know how to do an oil change, etc.., I don’t know the difference between a big block or a small block engine. I do like cars, though. I love classics and muscle cars. There is also a few luxury cars that catch my eye.  Luckily, here in Miami, we have all sorts of different people with different tastes in cars. Luckier still, I usually have my camera handy when one rolls by. So here I am sharing a few with you. (more…)

Trains and tracks

I’ve been meaning to share these shots for a while now. However, my current schedule has been keeping me pretty busy. There is no better time like the present though. So here’s a series I’ve been working on called ‘On The Rails’. For the moment it only contains pictures of one of our local transportation systems, the Metrorail. (more…)