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Category : Uncategorized

Fire and Beauty

It’s time to give you all a minor update. I guess you could say that I have been taking a hiatus, a sabbatical, but not really. I have been focusing on things outside of photography because time waits for no man. (more…)

A Decade Through The Eyes of a Queen

10 years ago, I went out in support of a couple of friends that were playing in bands at a music festival. While I had always been into photography, ever since I was a child and my father bought me my first ever camera, I had purchased my first DSLR and was itching to get some practice in behind the lens so I decided to bring it along for this night. I was clueless about all the nuances of shooting live photography. things like a media pass and getting permission to bring in a detachable lens to a venue were far behind my knowledge at the time. So I just grabbed my camera and headed out to STFUfest to show my support. 

Little did I know that on that night, I would begin my journey as Through The Eyes of a Queen. That night lit a spark in me further fueling the passion I had already for photography and sending me off in this amazing direction Yes, there are those that shoot landscape, sports, real estate, headshots, etc.., turns out what I love is performance, live music to be more precise. Something about watching people on a stage doing something they are passionate about just draws me in and gets me lost behind the lens. That’s the best way I can explain it, My eyes are blown open and I get lost when my finger is on the shutter.


The sound of your voice, In The End

“Painted on my memories.
Even if you’re not with me, I’m with you”


Mons Vi, Art Basel at the Bandshell

When the lyrics are poetry, you are listening to none other than Mons Vi. (more…)

Into Your Garden, Still Alive at Revolution Live

Let’s take it back a bit in to the Rearview Mirror, shall we? Let’s just see what it can show. 


Image Lightbox

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Phasellus venenatis, est non sagittis pellentesque, mauris lectus mattis nisl, non vestibulum tortor tortor eu metus. Praesent ac ligula quis justo vestibulum lobortis vitae sit amet arcu. Aenean pellentesque aliquam dolor et consectetur. Mauris congue ornare purus, nec porttitor arcu blandit et. Ut pellentesque eros ac neque laoreet mattis tristique sit amet justo. Ut molestie orci lobortis nisl convallis volutpat. Pellentesque interdum sagittis tortor vitae tempus. Mauris imperdiet sapien non elit fermentum pulvinar. Vivamus sagittis egestas semper. Ut nibh neque, pharetra id ullamcorper in, suscipit ut ligula.

Fusce ultricies dolor a eros dignissim at vulputate magna aliquet. Cras porttitor dapibus dictum. Pellentesque scelerisque euismod eleifend. Duis aliquam tincidunt mi, pellentesque convallis massa euismod ac. Pellentesque eleifend consectetur egestas. Curabitur eu eros arcu. Nulla ultricies, enim nec dictum blandit, enim magna consectetur dui, sit amet tempus massa sapien sit amet urna. Ut tellus sem, tempus ut mattis sed, placerat eget velit. Cras quam odio, feugiat quis bibendum eget, molestie vel mauris. Cras ultrices iaculis aliquet. Etiam eget tellus metus, ac pellentesque purus. In congue rhoncus laoreet. Quisque metus purus, blandit nec pellentesque ut, sagittis eu lectus.

Walking about the Hammocks

Normally, I like to post a blog entry in tandem with uploading my latest sets on to social media, however this particular time around I haven’t had much time to sit behind the computer and write something out regarding the collection that I’ve shared. Sometimes, it’s much easier to just go out and shoot , edit and just call it a day. I suppose it’s all about time management and while for the most part I’m fairly good at it, lately there is a lot on my plate. That being said, I figured today would be a good a time as any being that I’m presently importing another couple of snaps to work on.  (more…)

Taking on the lion

Being a photographer so far has given me some wonderful experiences.  I’ve met amazing people and have had the pleasure of working with some rather talented individuals. If that isn’t rewarding enough, I’m also having a great time. It does require a lot of time, though all in all it’s a small price to pay. (more…)

This is a link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus blandit porta tellus non vulputate. Nam in nulla ut augue bibendum aliquet eget eu velit. Suspendisse non ligula sit amet felis volutpat hendrerit eu ac odio. Etiam elementum dui vel libero laoreet sagittis. Vestibulum ac elit orci, et cursus mauris. Nulla vehicula lorem odio. Mauris vel mauris justo, sed adipiscing neque. Nam ipsum dolor, congue ac vestibulum eget, luctus nec ipsum