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Tag : airport

Beyond a certain speed, motorized vehicles create remoteness

One thing I absolutely love is when my friends see a particular spot and think of me and my camera. It is what brings us this post today. 


Where you at? On the way.

This past Friday I was able to escape my job earlier than the usual 5:30 grind. That gave me the opportunity to take a slight detour of sorts and rather than jump on the highway, I took the regular road instead. After all, good things come when you do not take the roads of convenience. 


Airport Exploration

I love architecture, old and new alike. There is just something about the materials used, the lines created, and sometimes, even the colors employed within the design. That being said, I decided to take a trip to the Miami International Airport.  (more…)

Early morning travel

Hello world. I’m past due for an entry. You have my sincerest apologies. Unfortunately there has not been enough hours in the day lately and I’ve been pulled in far too many directions. I did however grab a few snaps to share with you. I am referring to them as snaps on account of them in essence just snap and go as I was walking through the Miami International airport while returning our rental car. (more…)