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Tag : architecture

Biltmore Drive-by

I decided to call it an early night tonight. I just had to get home and edit. It was like a call I could not ignore. Granted, this set I’m bringing to you is from a quick little drive-by I did earlier on this week. What I’m editing is a back of a Throwback, Flash-forward little set I’ll be working on. But for that you can stay tuned and see for yourself. On to this set.  (more…)

Wynwood Day

Hello, hello all. Yes, it has been some time. I’ve been leading quite the busy life lately and I have been trying to get back in a groove so to speak. I suppose you could say it can be difficult to hold a day job, and yet juggle both your home life and no less important, your passion. It’s about time management though and I will get back in to the swing of things. As the saying goes, where there is a will there is a way. I without a doubt have the will.  (more…)

Snippets at Lunch

Well, hello there. It’s me again and I am just doing a quick little stop through. Yes, life still has me quite preoccupied, though that hasn’t stopped me from snapping photos here and there. This set is actually just my playing around really briefly with my 50mm prime that has basically been permanently attached to Artemis for the last month or so. I really haven’t had much time to play with it, though I am still quite happy at the times I get to experiment with it.  (more…)

Train Spotting, Urbex Style

Hello and Happy New Year readers. I hope this new year has been nothing short of phenomenal so far for you all. As for me, I come to you an excited queen. Finally, after almost a year now, I got to try my hand at some Urbex photography. I love shooting live music, it is by far my favorite type of photography. The lighting, the atmosphere, the people, the energy, I just can’t seem to get enough. However, I also love expanding my horizons and urban exploration has been on my to-do list for quite some time. So with the help of two photog friends and our lovely Mini Coopers, we ventured and we arrived at an abandoned train location in the Miami area and proceeded to attempt to capture what we saw.


A Gloomy Sunday

I haven’t done much in the line of photography as of late. For reasons I won’t get in to here, I have regrettably been neglecting honing my craft. I can say that I have a rather long way to go in terms of getting to the level that I want. While one never stops learning, ideally I would love to get to a point where I’m comfortable with my work. I’m a long ways a way, yet I will not cease my efforts. I cannot. Today the lens called to me, despite everything ongoing. I needed it. (more…)

Wynwood and the Voss

This weekend I had the pleasure of heading out to our local Art District here in Miami for an exclusive photo shoot with one of my close friends, Nick Voss. He had wanted to get together and take a few photos in an urban type setting for the release of his three new singles and I was more than happy to oblige. (more…)


While I was working on a couple of edits last night, thought came to me of making a few more changes to my website. Though I’m fairly happy with the design and its content, I still think that there is something missing. The problem is I’m not quite sure what it is. So I have the little hamster in my head running on his little wheel trying hard to find the answer. I know I’d like to display a lot more of my photos for those of you that have not made it to my online gallery on SmugMug and while I do post photos with each and every one of my blog entries, I know not everyone wants to sit and read through entries just to see my photos. So I believe the question at hand is how to best to about that. Do I switch themes, or maybe just link a page on my site to direct you to my gallery feed? Maybe there is even another alternative. I’m still trying to decide exactly what it is I want to accomplish before I can determine the how. (more…)

Planning and preparation

To begin with, let me offer you my apologies. Although I did know keeping up with both a personal blog and a photography blog would take time, life has made some pretty major demands of me this week and therefore this blog has suffered. To be absolutely honest, despite Athena always being with me always, I have scarcely found the time to allow her to stretch her legs. Poor girl, she’s been cooped up in her bag all this time. It’s a shame, really, though an unfortunate necessity at times. I don’t make a living on photography and so work and responsibilities must take priority. (more…)

I saw red

What is it about seeing a beautifully lit building at night that just grabs attention? This building did just that, especially with an eye catching color such as red. This is the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami on a particularly gorgeous night. This picture has no edits, no filter, just beauty as shot. It’s positively gorgeous, isn’t it? (more…)

A walkabout, downtown Miami

More often than not, I arrive at work early. I make an effort to do so because I love to just be able to take my time and be easy before the madness of the work day begins. One of my favorite things to do during that time is to talk a walkabout around downtown. Granted, it can be a little scary when it is rather early as well as dark and there are drug addicts along with crazies roaming around the street. However, once you pass those undesirable areas, it is quite a tranquil walk through the downtown city streets. (more…)