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Tag : billiards

A little time in the hall

I got to spend a little time at my local pool hall recently and for that I was thankful. You see, I love shooting pool and can remain on the table for hours on end. So much so, that I don’t really take many photographs while I’m there. Still, I never know when something is going to catch my eye, so I usually rest my camera on top of the rail. It doesn’t hurt to keep her handy. This particular day there was a few moments that caught my fancy and I was lucky enough to snap them when I could. I hope you enjoy them. (more…)

Pool Hall Junkies in Celebration

I love shooting pool. I really do. It’s the kind of activity that I am perfectly  content playing for hours on end either by myself or with a group of friends. On this particular night, we headed out to our local pool hall to push the rock around with a couple of friends to celebrate my Wolf’s birthday. (more…)

Pool Hall Junkies. Again and again

I love shooting pool. It falls right on up there in my favorite past times list. Of course with time being as limited as it is, I rarely have time to indulge my pool hall junkie side. This weekend, however, was an entirely different story. Imagine my excitement when amongst the list of plans for the evening was to go to our local hall and push the rock around. Artemis and I were both very excited. While I spent more time on the table as opposed to behind the lens, I did manage on snapping a few to share with you. Who says I don’t care about my readers. So here they are, my favorites of the evening. I hope you all enjoy them. (more…)

Queen of the hall

I’ve been meaning to update this blog for a couple of days now. I thought that during my week off of work I would have time to do so, though it turns out I didn’t. I did, however, spend a few days editing the last Urban Rebel performance so that they can use it on their new website. I also thoroughly enjoyed my birthday weekend. Before I knew it, it was time to return to work. (more…)

From the hall

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to shoot pool. To me a pool hall is almost like my second home. It’s hard for me to take pictures while I’m out shooting pool. Nine times out of ten, I would rather be on the table shooting and not behind then lens. However, I absolutely love capturing the expression on a person’s face when they are concentrating on the task at hand and lining up their shot. Here are a few shots from the hall with my fellow players doing what they do. (more…)