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Tag : Black Jacket

Anniversary throwback

Well well. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. Life has had me plenty busy though I have not forgotten you all. I’m actually here today to bring you all a little something special. You see, yesterday marked my three year anniversary of shooting live music. While I have only had my Rebel a few months longer, shooting live music is my bag. It’s my thrill, my drug. To see the artists on stage, their live and passion for what they do, I get lost in the moment. I get lost in the feeling. (more…)

Don’t forget your jacket, Black Jacket that is

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last post. I’ve been quite busy with work and revamping my website. Needless to say, both tasks have taken up quite a bit of time. I did however take a break on Friday night to watch my friends, Black Jacket, do their thing at Will Call. They had asked me to come and snap a few photos. Since I haven’t been out to see them in a few months, I was more than willing to oblige. Since then a new vocalist has come on board and I was excited to hear them at a venue like Will Call. It was a great set and the boys, excuse me, men, are sounding great. As for my pictures, here are my favorites. I’m still trying to get the hang of the whole shooting manual mode. I especially want to get comfortable with going between the settings as needed while shooting. (more…)

Black Jacket at STFUfest

Last weekend my wolf and I made it out to the Culture Room in Ft. Lauderdale to attend STFUfest. What started out as a night of support for two of our friends and their bands, turned in to a great night full of music and good times. We haven’t been to any shows in a little while and I figured what better way to get back in to the scene than to show some love for some very hard working and dedicated individuals. This particular set is that of Black Jacket. I will be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when Captain Jack stepped out on stage, however it turned out to be a great set and these boys really know how to rock. (more…)